Peaksonic M2 3D Hand-Held BladderView Scanner


'GST Included'
SKU: 8626.0100200
Available for pre-order

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PeakSonic Bladderview M2 series is a noninvasive bladder scanner is a volume instrument developed by applying 3D ultrasound imaging technology and measurement principle. It is a all-in-one handheld device composed of probe with built-in screen

The Peaksonic M2 Portable Bladder Scanner is a game-changing device for medical professionals. With a convenient all-in-one design and a quick reference screen, it can be utilised in various departments for accurate and efficient clinical catheterisation, post-void residual assessment, and bladder and kidney disease diagnosis. It's also useful for patients with lower body disabilities or loss of auto-urination function, helping determine the best time to urinate.

Peaksonic M2 portable BladderView Scanner

TGA Registered: ARTG457830

The Peaksonic M2 Hand Held Bladder Scanner provides quick and accurate measurement for bladder volume and post-void residual (PVR) non-invasively on a wide range of patients.

Peaksonic M2 Bladder Scanner "pistol" style scanner with built-in LCD display helps assess urinary retention and post-operative urinary retention (POUR), prevents unnecessary catheterisation, reduces rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), helps evaluate the need to catheterise during intermittent catheterisation, and improves the efficiency of health care professionals by reducing costs and saving staff time. All of this helps to improve the welfare and satisfaction of the patients and aged-care customers.

A Peaksonic M2 bladder scanner is a non-invasive, portable ultrasound device that provides a virtual 3D image of the bladder and the volume of urine retained within the bladder. Retained urine is a reservoir for bacteria and pathogens, which can cause urinary tract infections, leading to damage of the renal structures, pain, and sepsis.

Bladder scans are commonly utilised in acute care, long-term care, and rehabilitation environments, as well as in physicians' offices. Without the use of a bladder scanner, urinary retention is assessed by performing an invasive "in and out" urinary catheterisation, which can be uncomfortable and pose a direct risk of introducing more pathogens into the bladder, increasing a patient's risk of infection.

Peaksonic M2 Bladder Scanner details:          

  • Handheld all in one design.
  • Small, compact design with easy operation and accuracy.
  • Built-in 2.4" LCD touchscreen.
  • Noninvasive urinary bladder volume measurement.
  • Three modes selection: Easy, Expert and Intelligence Mode.
  • Rapid scanning measurement result available within a few seconds.
  • Easy to learn and use. Quick and precise bladder scan can be easily accomplished.
  • Two orthorhombic images, patient information and bladder volume values are printable.
  • User friendly capacitive touch screen.
  • Built-in TF storage card.
  • Voice annotation function available.
  • Multiple language selection.
  • Integrated fully sealed probe and host with 2.4-inch LCD display and touch screen.
  • Big data storage space: more than 10,000 cases can be stored.
  • Chargeable battery, light-weighted, easy to carry, long operation and standby time.
  • Patient information management software installed for reviewing, editing and printing.
  • Patient history information review (only available with M2-W).
  • WIFI connection to computer (only available with M2-W).
  • Reduce unnecessary catheterization.
  • Prevent CAUTI (Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Identify different types of urinary incontinence to determine the proper nursing.
  • Beneficial for the post-operative recovery.
  • Cost efficiency and save inspection time.
  • No calibration required.

Peaksonic M2 Bladder Scanner Specifications

  • 3D scan
  • Frequency of Probe: 2.5 MHz.
  • Volume Measurement Range: 0 - 999 ml.
  • Monitor Size: Touch screen Display
  • Operation Mode: Easy, Expert or Intelligent
  • Accuracy: +/- 7%
  • Printer Mode: Bluetooth printing ( optional extra)
  • Battery Capacity: 2600 mAh.
  • Dimensions: 
    • Scanner: 210mm x 173 mm x 60 mm
    • Desk top docking station: 260mm(L) x 116mm(W)x 100mm(H)
  • Weight: 525 g
  • Battery Continuous Scanning Time: 3.5 hours.
  • Battery Stand By Time: 5 hours.
  • 24 month warranty


PeakSonic M1 2D Bladder Scanner

PeakSonic M2 3D Bladder Scanner


Mode of Scan

2D scan

3D scan

Probe Frequency

2.5 MHZ

2.5 MHZ

Measure Volume

0-999 ml

0-999 ml

Display & Control

Touch screen

Touch screen

Operation Mode

Easy & Expert Modes

Easy, Expert & Intelligence Modes

Language Selection

Multiple Languages

Multiple Languages

Battery Capacity

2600 mAh

2600 mAh

Print Mode

Bluetooth printing

Bluetooth printing

Data Transmission



Data Storage

Built-in TF card

Built-in TF card

Continuous Usage

Continuous scanning time: >3 hrs and 20 min

Continuous scanning time: >3 hrs and 20 min

Stand By

Backup power >= 5 hours

Backup power >= 5 hours




























Click here for more Bladder Scanners

Peaksonic M2 Portable Bladder Scanner supplied with:
  • Peaksonic Hand Held Bladder Scanner
  • 2 x rechargeable batteries
  • 1 x recharger
  • Desk top docking station
  • USB cable
  • Carry Bag
  • Electronic User Manual



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