Use of Bladder Scanners In Elderly Care

Use of Bladder Scanners In Elderly Care


A bladder scan is a non-invasive, painless procedure that uses ultrasound technology to measure the amount of urine in the bladder. It is a valuable tool that can assist healthcare providers in diagnosing urinary incontinence in the elderly. It helps to identify the underlying causes of incontinence, such as an enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections, or neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease.

Bladder Scanners In Elderly Care

Bladder scan results provide healthcare providers with important information, including bladder volume, post-void residual volume, and urine flow rate, which can help in choosing the appropriate treatment options. For instance, a high post-void residual volume may indicate an obstructed bladder outlet, which may require surgery, while a low urine flow rate may require medication to help improve bladder function.

Additionally, bladder scans are useful in monitoring the progress of treatment and assessing the effectiveness of medications. Follow-up bladder scans can help track if treatment is leading to an improvement in bladder function and if further intervention is necessary.

Bladder scans are quick, easy, and non-invasive, making them an ideal way to monitor bladder health in elderly individuals who may not be willing or able to undergo more invasive procedures. Furthermore, bladder scans are cost-effective and reliable, making them a valuable tool in primary care settings, and can lead to early detection and prevention of complications related to urinary incontinence.

Overall, the role of a bladder scan in elderly care is significant. It helps in the early diagnosis, treatment, and management of urinary incontinence, leading to a better quality of life for seniors. Healthcare providers should utilise this valuable tool in their practices to provide the best possible care for their elderly patients.

Reference: Peaksonic 

Buy Bladder Scanners in Australia at InterAktiv Health

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